Monday, June 20, 2016

5. Chasing Secrets (Choldenko)

Thirteen-year-old Lizzie and her secret friend Noah, who is hiding in her house, plan to rescue Noah's father from the quarantined Chinatown, and save everyone they love from contracting the plague that is spreading in 1900 San Francisco.


  1. Why did Billy sell the Yersins?
    To make enough money to buy a car.
    Why did the recipt for the Yersins say that the docter immunized 3 people?
    The docter immunized Noah as well.

  2. Q: Why didn't Yang want Noah to be immunized with Yer-sins?
    A: Because he didn't know that there were 2 types of Yer-sin's, one that was poisonous, and 1 that wasn't
    I loved this book!!
    It maybe was my favorite Reading Olympics book!

  3. What did Billy die from?
    He died from the plague.
    Who was hiding in one of the servants rooms?
    It was Jing's son Noah.
    What was Lizzie's brothers name?
    His name was Billy.
