Monday, June 20, 2016

17. Invention of Hugo Cabret (Selznick)

When twelve-year-old Hugo, an orphan living and repairing clocks within the walls of a Paris train station in 1931, meets a mysterious toyseller and his goddaughter, his undercover life and his biggest secret are jeopardized.


  1. What happens to Hugo's father?
    He dies in a fire at the museum trying to fix the Automaton.
    Why does Hugo steal parts from the toy maker?
    He steals parts so he can work on the Automaton.

  2. why did Hugo take the girls key without asking?
    Hugo wasn't positive that she would just give it to him for the machine

  3. I really like the part where Hugo goes to the movies with his friends.

  4. Q:where did Hugo live after his Dad died?
    A: In the clock tower.
    I thought it was interesting when Hugo figured out that the key around the girl's neck was the key so that the Automaton could work!

  5. How did Hugo's father die?
    He died because the security man running where the father worked did not know the father was there in the attic and he locked the door. There was a fire and his father was still in the attic working on the automaton.
    I liked the part when the automation draws the picture of hugo and his fathers favorite movie.

  6. Q:Where did Hugo find the Automaton?
    A:In the museum where his father died>

    I liked the book because I thought it was funny when they snuck into the movies.

  7. Q: why does Hugo take the job at the toy booth?
    A: because Hugo needs the notebook back to fix the automaton.

  8. Why does Hugo feel responsible for his father's death?
    Because his father was trying to fix the automaton for him.

    What is a horologist?
    A clockmaker

    I like how the author combines pictures and words.

  9. Where did Hugo find the key to the automation?
    around Isabelle's neck
    Why did Etienne get fired from the movie theater?
    He was sneaking Isabelle in for free.

  10. Q: Who caught Hugo stealing the toy mouse from the toy booth?
    A: The shopkeeper caught Hugo and he had to give back the parts, gears and his notebook.

    Q: How did Hugo break his fingers?
    A: Isabelle slammed the door on them.

  11. Q: Why was Isabelle on crutches?
    A: The chair broke when she was trying to open the armoire.

    Q: What where the names of the people Hugo overheard in the cafe?
    A: Madame Emile and Monsieur Frick. [cafe owner]

  12. Q:What happened to Hugo's father that made him have to live with his uncle?
    A:Hugo's father died in a fire.
    I would recommend this book to other people that like mysterious books.

  13. Q: Why did Papa George think Hugo was a thief?
    A: He didn't believe Hugo drew the pictures in the notebook

    I liked that Papa George made one of Hugo's Father's favorite movies.

  14. Q: What was the name of the man that owned the toy shop?

    A: Papa George.

    Q: Who was the girl Hugo met?

    A: Isabelle.

  15. I like the part where Papa George has his cape on and saves Hugo from being taken.

  16. Q:What is the main setting of the story?
    A:A train station
    Q:What is the name of one of the main characters?

  17. Danny Hussa 4D
    What is the name of one of the main characters?

  18. Q: Why did Hugo build the macanicle man?

    A: To finish it for his father.

  19. Q: What did Isabelle steal from her Godmother?
    A: Isabelle stole her Godmother's necklace, the extra key to the mechanical man.

    Q: Why was Etienne fired from his job at the movies?
    A: Etienne was fired for sneaking kids into the movies with him.

  20. Q: how did Hugo's dad die?
    A: He dies in a fire trying to fix the automaton.

  21. Q: Why did Hugo take a job at the toy shop?
    A: So he could get his father's notebook back
    Q: Where does Hugo live?
    A: In a clock tower
