Monday, June 20, 2016

12. Fuzzy Mud (Sachar)

Two middle-grade kids take a shortcut home from school and discover what looks like fuzzy mud but is actually a substance with the potential to wreak havoc on the entire world.


  1. What were the only living animals that could withstand "fuzzy mud"?
    I loved how realistic the story was even though it was a fantasy.

  2. How did Tamaya get the red rash

    she got it by touching to the fussy mud

    I love the story and I recommend to people to read it.

  3. How did Tamaya get blood on her writing journal?
    She got the blood on her writing journal because the rash she got on her hand started to bleed.

    I liked the part when the dog finds the three kids and they are bought to the hospital to get taken care of.

  4. Q: Was the mud contagious?
    A: The mud was not contagious;you could only catch it if you stepped in it or touched it.

    1. You have to read this book! There are a lot of adventures!

    2. What kind of adventures?

    3. Adventures like, running in the woods and other stuff. You have to read it if you have not. I don't want to spoil it!

  5. What was the name of the product that created fuzzy mud?
    The product was Biolene.
    What was the nickname of the bacteria in fuzzy mud?
    The nickname was "frankengerm"

  6. how did tamaya get the sweater?
    fitzi sent her the sweater

    why did Tamaya leave the the lunchroom?
    to tell Marsnall that chad was gone and tell him they should go looking for him

  7. Q:What kind of glasses did Tamaya get at the hospital?
    A:Big black ones
    Q:Why did Chad call himself,"Butt Face?"
    A:They took skin from his butt and put it on his face.

  8. Q: Who did Tamaya think Chad was before he came closer?
    A: Someone who would rescue Marshall and tamaya
    Q: Why was Marshall so upset at Tamaya?
    A: Because e was angry and Chad for what he said.

  9. Q: What was Marshall doing when Tamaya told him Chad was missing?
    A: Playing basketball.

  10. Q:What happens to your skin when you touch the fuzzy mud?
    A:A rash forms.

  11. Q: Why did Tamaya go back into the woods?
    A: Tamaya went back into the woods because she felt bad for leaving Chad behind after getting back at him.

  12. Jason 4-o
    Q: Why are there times tables every once and a while?
    A: Its because it's about the ergonyms multiplying.

    Q: What got added to Chad's face?
    A: A part of skin from another place on his body got added to his face.

  13. Q: How did the mud go away?
    A: The snow.

    Q: when you touch the fuzzy mud, why do you get a rash?
    A: It was poisonous and unlike any other mud.

  14. Why did Tamaya get a rash on her arm?
    because she touched the fuzzy mud

    I loved the book because it had a lot of adventure and it was realistic

  15. Q: Why did chad get blind?
    A: He got blind because Tamaya threw fuzzy mud on him.

    Q: I like the book because it has adventures in it.

  16. Q: Why did Tamaya run back into the woods?
    A: Tamaya ran back into the woods to find Chad after she heard he was missing

    Q: If you touch fuzzy mud what happens?
    A: If you touch fuzzy mud you get a very bad rash,the rash gives you a tingling feeling.

    This book was really good! I loved when Chad found Marshall an Tamaya in the woods and they started to fight!

  17. Q.Why does Marshall take the forest route to his and Tamayas house?
    A.He wants to avoid fighting Chad
    Q.Why do you feel a tingling sensation when you touch fuzzy mud?
    A. The bacteria destroys nerves, so you don't feel pain. Just tingling...
