Monday, June 20, 2016

2. Benjamin Franklinstein Lives (Tuxbury)

While working on a science fair project, a Philadelphia school boy discovers both a secret laboratory in his basement and Benjamin Franklin, who comes to life after receiving a jolt of electricity.


  1. When does the boy first see Ben Franklin?

    he first sees Ben Franklin when he sees him walking on the sidewalk in front of there apartment building.

  2. How is Benjamin Franklin kept alive?
    He is kept alive by suspended animation.

    What is the name and job of Victor Godwin's best friend's dad?
    HIs name is Skip Weaver and he is the goofy chief meteorologist of Philadelphia WURP News.

  3. How does Ben Franklin turn into a zombie?

    If he didn't have that much power he will turn into a zombie.

  4. Q1 Who created Benjamin Franklinstein ?
    The modern order of the Promethus .
    Q2 why did Benjamin franklinstein wake up?
    There was supposed to be a disaster.

  5. Who created Benjamin Franklinesein

    The modern order of the promethus

  6. How is Benjamin Franklin kept alive?

    He is kept alive by electricity

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. who is benjamin franklinstien?
    he is a person created by the modern order of prometheus

  9. Why did Benjamin Franklin become a monster?
    Because he needed electricity.

  10. Danny Hussa 4d
    Why did Benjamin Franklin become a monster?
    Because he needed electricity.

  11. Q: How did Victor meet Benjamin Franklin?
    A: He found Benjamin Franklin in his cellar lying down in a glass box.

    Q: Why did Benjamin Franklin bite down on electrical appliances?
    A: He was low on electricity and electricity gave him life.

  12. Q: What did Ben eat at the science fair that made him go overload?
    A: Scott Weaver's potato battery.

    Q: Who was Benjamin Franklinstein created by?
    A: The modern order of prometheus.

  13. What powered Benjamin Franklin?

  14. What happens when Benjamin Frankenstein was low on electricity?
    He walks around like a zombie.
