Monday, June 20, 2016

20. Landry News (Clements)

A fifth-grader starts a newspaper with an editorial that prompts her burnt-out classroom teacher to really begin teaching again, but he is later threatened with disciplinary action as a result.


  1. Why did the principle try to fire Mr. Larson?
    He thought that Mr. Larson didn't teach anything.

  2. How did Mr. Larson's opinion about "The Landry News" change by the end of the book?
    At first he disliked the paper because it insulted him, but by the end of the book, he liked it because it saved his job.
    I licked this book because it was very descriptive, and full of suspense and twists.

  3. What did Cara put in the Landry News that mad Mr. Larson so mad?
    She says that he is a bad teacher and that he does not do his job well at all.

    I liked the part when Mr. Larson decides that Cara was correct and he needs to be a better teacher.

    1. i liked when Mr. Larson decides to become a better teacher too.

  4. What was the difference between the Landry News and the Guardians.
    The difference was that the Landry News was printed in school and the Guardians was printed at home.

    I liked the story because they made news paper.

  5. Q: Who helped out to help publish The Landry News at the end of the story?
    A: All of Mr. Larson's afternoon class.

    Q: What was the story in the newspaper that Dr. Barnes didn't like?
    A: A story about a boy whose parents got divorced.

  6. Q: What was the final edition of the Landry News about?
    A: That Mr. Larson was still a teacher.
    I really like this story.
    I think it is a very deep story.

  7. Why was Mr.Larson almost fired?
    Since a families's personal information was on the Landry News.

  8. Why was Mr.larson mad at his students?
    He was mad because Cara wrote that every student should get nine dollars and 50 cents every day for the whole school year.

  9. Q:Who is the Editor in Chief of the Landry News?
    A:Cara Landry
    Q:Who is Cara's teacher?
    A:Mr. Larson

  10. Q: Why does Dr. Barnes not like to be Mr. Larson's classroom?

    A: Because Mr. Larson's room is to messy. Dr. Barnes likes a place for everything and everything in it's place.

  11. Danny Hussa 4D
    Who is the editor in chief of landry news?
    Cara Landry

  12. Why was Cara's mom mad at Cara?
    Cara wrote very offensive things in her newspaper.

  13. Q: Why did Mr. Larson Tear down the first edition of Landry News?
    A: Mr. Larson tore down the page because he was mad that Cara had said that Mr. Larson wasn't a very good teacher.

    Q: When the Landry News had to stop making their newspapers what was their new name?
    A: They called themselves the Guardian News so they could keep making newspapers but under a different name so the students of room 145 wouldn't get Mr. Larson in trouble.

  14. Q: Why did Cara create the Landry News?
    A: Cara wanted to be a reporter.

    Q: Why did Cara not like Mr. Larson?
    A: She did not like Mr. Larson because he did not teach the students.

  15. Q:How did Mr. Larson feel about The Landry News in the beginning of the book compared to the end of it?
    A: In the beginning of the book Mr.Larson dislikes the Landry News because it insults him but in the end of the book he thinks it's amazing because the writing is very good and well thought out.

    Q: What story in The Landry News almost got Mr. Larson fired?
    A: "Lost and Found", a story by Michael Morton about his family's divorce.

  16. How many days did it take Cara and her friends to finish the new-looking newspaper?

  17. Q: Why did Dr. Barnes want to fire Mr. Larson?
    A: Because Dr. Barnes said that he didn't teach anything
    I liked the part when Mr. Larson said that he was going to be a better teacher
